Elena + Pablo

From Russia with love: A Romance That Transcends Borders

Imagine this: we were sailing peacefully by boat towards the ceremony when, suddenly, boom! We spotted a ship with the same name as the bride, Elena.
Can you believe it? It was like a cosmic sign saying, "Hey, this love is meant to be." We were like 😮 for the rest of the journey to "Un Lugar en el Arroyo," a super picturesque spot in the Tigre Delta, Buenos Aires.
That's where Elena and Pablo decided to seal their love in a way that no one will ever forget.

Elena's friends, who are real champs, helped her get ready for the big moment. You should have seen them! They were all excited, laughing, and spreading their joy to everyone around. Such a lovely atmosphere.
Relatives and friends travelled all the way from Russia just to be there, supporting the couple in this new chapter of their lives.

Of course, Russian traditions couldn't be missed. Elena and Pablo shared bread and salt, a symbol of good luck and prosperity. Honestly, I didn't quite understand everything, but I got emotional nonetheless.

After that, came the main course: a tremendous asado (barbecue) on a stake! The guests (and photographers) enjoyed this Argentine delicacy accompanied by Russian vodka, good whisky and many etceteras. An explosive combination!

At the end, Elena's parents sealed their union with a padlock and threw the key into the river, promising eternal love. Ahh, romance.
In summary, it was an unforgettable wedding that united two different cultures. Elena and Pablo proved that true love knows no borders, and that's something worth celebrating.

Cheers to the newlyweds!

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Venue: Un lugar en el arroyo